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Critical Error

Hi Mike,

I thought I was doing something wrong, but from what I've been reading online, this is a GTK bug. But apparently it was supposed to have been fixed in 3.22, so I'm stumped. Perhaps I found a way to wake it up again?


Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute: assertion 'GTK_IS_CELL_LAYOUT (cell_layout)' failed

What this code boils down to is... I'm dynamically populating a TreeView with a list of PgFontDescriptions. But this isn't in a ScrolledWindow yet and so it just goes on for 300+ lines off-screen. I did try putting it in a ScrolledWindow, to see if that would clear things up, but I it only showed two lines of the TreeView (with a scrollbar) and spit out a whole other set of errors:

(treeview_dynamic_fill_with_scrolled_window.exe:12156): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute: assertion 'GTK_IS_CELL_LAYOUT (cell_layout)' failed

(treeview_dynamic_fill_with_scrolled_window.exe:12156): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to GtkWindow 0000021ebb85ae40 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?

I'm finding no example code to guide me, so any help will be very much appreciated. Sorry for such a long message. I know you're likely tired after a day's work, so if it takes a while to answer, I get it. I'm pretty bagged myself ATM.

Without the scrolled window:

// Minimal TreeView with one column

import std.stdio;
import std.math;

import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.Widget;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.TreeView;
import gtk.TreeSelection;
import gtk.ListStore;
import gtk.TreeIter;
import gtk.TreePath;
import gtk.TreeViewColumn;
import gtk.CellRendererText;
import pango.PgCairoFontMap;
import pango.PgFontMap;
import pango.PgFontFamily;
import pango.PgFontDescription;

import singleton.S_FontList;

void main(string[] args)
	TestRigWindow myTestRig = new TestRigWindow("Dynamically-filled TreeView");;
} // main()

class TestRigWindow : MainWindow
	AppBox appBox;
	this(string title)
		appBox = new AppBox();

	} // this() CONSTRUCTOR
	void quitApp(Widget widget)
	} // quitApp()

} // class TestRigWindow

class AppBox : Box
	FontTreeView signTreeView;
		super(Orientation.VERTICAL, 10);
		signTreeView = new FontTreeView();
		packStart(signTreeView, false, false, 0);
	} // this()

} // class AppBox

 *A TreeView needs:
 * - at least one column, and
 * - a ListStore or TreeStore to serve as both data model (TreeModel) and storage (ListStore or TreeStore).
class FontTreeView : TreeView
	FontFamilyColumn fontFamilyColumn;	// where the data is displayed
	FontSizeColumn fontSizeColumn;
	FontPangoSizeColumn fontPangoSizeColumn;
	FontStyleColumn fontStyleColumn;
	FontWeightColumn fontWeightColumn;
	FontListStore fontListStore;				// where the data is stored
		fontListStore = new FontListStore();
		fontFamilyColumn = new FontFamilyColumn(fontListStore);

		fontSizeColumn = new FontSizeColumn();
		fontPangoSizeColumn = new FontPangoSizeColumn();
		fontStyleColumn = new FontStyleColumn();
		fontWeightColumn = new FontWeightColumn();
	} // this()
	void onRowActivated(TreePath treePath, TreeViewColumn tvc, TreeView tv)
		int columnNumber;
		TreeIter treeIter = new TreeIter(fontListStore, treePath);
		// find the column number...
		if(tvc.getTitle() == "Sign Message")
			columnNumber = 0;
		else if(tvc.getTitle() == "Sign Description")
			columnNumber = 1;

		writeln("TreePath (row): ", treePath, " columnNumber: ", columnNumber);
		// get the contents of the cell double-clicked by the user
		// Because there are nothing but strings in the store, we don't have to
		// do any more digging, just echo the string to the terminal.
		auto value = fontListStore.getValue(treeIter, columnNumber);
		writeln("cell contains: ", value.getString());
	} // onRowActivated()
} // class FontTreeView

 * A TreeViewColumn needs:
 * - a string that will become the title,
 * - at least one CellRenderer (with suffix Accel, Class, Combo, Pixbuf, Progress, Spin, Spinner, Text, or Toggle)
 * - a string description of the attribute (data) type
 * - and a column number (starting from 0)
class FontFamilyColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Font Family";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 0; // numbering starts at '0'

	this(FontListStore fontListStore)
		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		addAttribute(cellRendererText, "font-desc", fontListStore.Column.FONT_DESC);
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontFamilyColumn

class FontSizeColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Size";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 1; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontSizeColumn

class FontPangoSizeColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Pango Units";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 2; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontPangoSizeColumn

class FontStyleColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Style";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 3; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontStyleColumn

class FontWeightColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Weight";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 4; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontWeightColumn

 * A ListStore needs:
 * - an array of GType types (essentially, data types such as string, int, etc.)
 *   so the constructor knows what's being stored, and
 * - a TreeIter for creating rows of data.
 * Rows are added to the ListStore with the setValue() function which needs:
 * - a TreeIter (could be thought of as the row number, but it's a pointer object)
 * - a column number, and
 * - the data to be stored.
class FontListStore : ListStore
	SysFontListPango sysFontListPango;
	PgFontDescription[] fontList;
	TreeIter treeIter;
	enum Column
		FAMILY = 0,
	} // enum Column
		super([GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, PgFontDescription.getType()]);

		sysFontListPango = new SysFontListPango();
		fontList = sysFontListPango.getList();
		foreach(font; fontList)
			treeIter = createIter();
			setValue(treeIter, 0, font.getFamily());
			setValue(treeIter, 1, font.getSize() / 1024);
			setValue(treeIter, 2, font.getSize());
			setValue(treeIter, 3, font.getStyle());
			setValue(treeIter, 4, font.getWeight());
			setValue(treeIter, 5, font);

	} // this()

} // class FontListStore

class SysFontListPango
	PgFontMap _pgFontMap;
	PgFontFamily[] _pgFontFamilies;
	PgFontFamily _font;
	PgFontDescription[] _pgFontDescriptions;
	PgFontDescription _fontDesc;
	int _fontSize = 9, counter = 1;

		_pgFontMap = PgCairoFontMap.getDefault();

		counter = 1;
		foreach(_font; _pgFontFamilies)
			_fontDesc = new PgFontDescription(_font.getName(), _fontSize);
			_pgFontDescriptions ~= _fontDesc;

			if(fmod(counter, 4) == 0)

			if(fmod(counter, 5) == 0)
			else if(fmod(counter, 6) == 0)

			if(_fontSize > 19)
					_fontSize = 9;

	} // this()
	void varyFontBySize()
	} // varyFontBySize()
	void varyFontByWeight(PangoWeight weight)
	} // varyFontByWeight()

	PgFontDescription[] getList()
	} // getList()
	void printList()
		int counter = 1;
		foreach(_fontDesc; _pgFontDescriptions)
			writeln("counter: ", counter);
			writeln("family: ", _fontDesc.getFamily());
			writeln("gravity: ", _fontDesc.getGravity());
			writeln("size in points: ", _fontDesc.getSize() / 1024); // pango _font units are 1024 x points
			writeln("size in Pango units: ", _fontDesc.getSize()); // pango _font units are 1024 x points		
			writeln("stretch: ", _fontDesc.getStretch());
			writeln("style: ", _fontDesc.getStyle());
			writeln("variant: ", _fontDesc.getVariant());
			writeln("weight: ", _fontDesc.getWeight());

		} // foreach

	} // printList()
} // class SysFontListPango

with the scrolled window:

// Minimal TreeView with one column

import std.stdio;
import std.math;

import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.Widget;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.ScrolledWindow;
import gtk.TreeView;
import gtk.TreeSelection;
import gtk.ListStore;
import gtk.TreeIter;
import gtk.TreePath;
import gtk.TreeViewColumn;
import gtk.CellRendererText;
import pango.PgCairoFontMap;
import pango.PgFontMap;
import pango.PgFontFamily;
import pango.PgFontDescription;

import singleton.S_FontList;

void main(string[] args)
	TestRigWindow myTestRig = new TestRigWindow("Dynamically-filled TreeView");;
} // main()

class TestRigWindow : MainWindow
	AppBox appBox;
	this(string title)
		setSizeRequest(750, 400);
		appBox = new AppBox();

	} // this() CONSTRUCTOR
	void quitApp(Widget widget)
	} // quitApp()

} // class TestRigWindow

class AppBox : Box
	MyScrolledWindow myScrolledWindow;
		super(Orientation.VERTICAL, 10);

		myScrolledWindow = new MyScrolledWindow();
		packStart(myScrolledWindow, false, false, 0);
	} // this()

} // class AppBox

class MyScrolledWindow : ScrolledWindow
	FontTreeView fontTreeView;
		fontTreeView = new FontTreeView();
	} // this()
} // class MyScrolledWindow

 *A TreeView needs:
 * - at least one column, and
 * - a ListStore or TreeStore to serve as both data model (TreeModel) and storage (ListStore or TreeStore).
class FontTreeView : TreeView
	FontFamilyColumn fontFamilyColumn;	// where the data is displayed
	FontSizeColumn fontSizeColumn;
	FontPangoSizeColumn fontPangoSizeColumn;
	FontStyleColumn fontStyleColumn;
	FontWeightColumn fontWeightColumn;
	FontListStore fontListStore;				// where the data is stored
		fontListStore = new FontListStore();
		fontFamilyColumn = new FontFamilyColumn(fontListStore);

		fontSizeColumn = new FontSizeColumn();
		fontPangoSizeColumn = new FontPangoSizeColumn();
		fontStyleColumn = new FontStyleColumn();
		fontWeightColumn = new FontWeightColumn();
	} // this()
	void onRowActivated(TreePath treePath, TreeViewColumn tvc, TreeView tv)
		int columnNumber;
		TreeIter treeIter = new TreeIter(fontListStore, treePath);
		// find the column number...
		if(tvc.getTitle() == "Sign Message")
			columnNumber = 0;
		else if(tvc.getTitle() == "Sign Description")
			columnNumber = 1;

		writeln("TreePath (row): ", treePath, " columnNumber: ", columnNumber);
		// get the contents of the cell double-clicked by the user
		// Because there are nothing but strings in the store, we don't have to
		// do any more digging, just echo the string to the terminal.
		auto value = fontListStore.getValue(treeIter, columnNumber);
		writeln("cell contains: ", value.getString());
	} // onRowActivated()
} // class FontTreeView

 * A TreeViewColumn needs:
 * - a string that will become the title,
 * - at least one CellRenderer (with suffix Accel, Class, Combo, Pixbuf, Progress, Spin, Spinner, Text, or Toggle)
 * - a string description of the attribute (data) type
 * - and a column number (starting from 0)
class FontFamilyColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Font Family";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 0; // numbering starts at '0'

	this(FontListStore fontListStore)
		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		addAttribute(cellRendererText, "font-desc", fontListStore.Column.FONT_DESC);
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontFamilyColumn

class FontSizeColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Size";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 1; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontSizeColumn

class FontPangoSizeColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Pango Units";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 2; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontPangoSizeColumn

class FontStyleColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Style";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 3; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontStyleColumn

class FontWeightColumn : TreeViewColumn
	CellRendererText cellRendererText;
	string columnTitle = "Weight";
	string attributeType = "text";
	int columnNumber = 4; // numbering starts at '0'

		cellRendererText = new CellRendererText();
		super(columnTitle, cellRendererText, attributeType, columnNumber);
	} // this()

} // class FontWeightColumn

 * A ListStore needs:
 * - an array of GType types (essentially, data types such as string, int, etc.)
 *   so the constructor knows what's being stored, and
 * - a TreeIter for creating rows of data.
 * Rows are added to the ListStore with the setValue() function which needs:
 * - a TreeIter (could be thought of as the row number, but it's a pointer object)
 * - a column number, and
 * - the data to be stored.
class FontListStore : ListStore
	SysFontListPango sysFontListPango;
	PgFontDescription[] fontList;
	TreeIter treeIter;
	enum Column
		FAMILY = 0,
	} // enum Column
		super([GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING, PgFontDescription.getType()]);

		sysFontListPango = new SysFontListPango();
		fontList = sysFontListPango.getList();
		foreach(font; fontList)
			treeIter = createIter();
			setValue(treeIter, 0, font.getFamily());
			setValue(treeIter, 1, font.getSize() / 1024);
			setValue(treeIter, 2, font.getSize());
			setValue(treeIter, 3, font.getStyle());
			setValue(treeIter, 4, font.getWeight());
			setValue(treeIter, 5, font);

	} // this()

} // class FontListStore

class SysFontListPango
	PgFontMap _pgFontMap;
	PgFontFamily[] _pgFontFamilies;
	PgFontFamily _font;
	PgFontDescription[] _pgFontDescriptions;
	PgFontDescription _fontDesc;
	int _fontSize = 9, counter = 1;

		_pgFontMap = PgCairoFontMap.getDefault();

		counter = 1;
		foreach(_font; _pgFontFamilies)
			_fontDesc = new PgFontDescription(_font.getName(), _fontSize);
			_pgFontDescriptions ~= _fontDesc;

			if(fmod(counter, 4) == 0)

			if(fmod(counter, 5) == 0)
			else if(fmod(counter, 6) == 0)

			if(_fontSize > 19)
					_fontSize = 9;

	} // this()
	void varyFontBySize()
	} // varyFontBySize()
	void varyFontByWeight(PangoWeight weight)
	} // varyFontByWeight()

	PgFontDescription[] getList()
	} // getList()
	void printList()
		int counter = 1;
		foreach(_fontDesc; _pgFontDescriptions)
			writeln("counter: ", counter);
			writeln("family: ", _fontDesc.getFamily());
			writeln("gravity: ", _fontDesc.getGravity());
			writeln("size in points: ", _fontDesc.getSize() / 1024); // pango _font units are 1024 x points
			writeln("size in Pango units: ", _fontDesc.getSize()); // pango _font units are 1024 x points		
			writeln("stretch: ", _fontDesc.getStretch());
			writeln("style: ", _fontDesc.getStyle());
			writeln("variant: ", _fontDesc.getVariant());
			writeln("weight: ", _fontDesc.getWeight());

		} // foreach

	} // printList()
} // class SysFontListPango

Re: Critical Error

On 30-05-2019 22:02, Ron Tarrant wrote:

Hi Mike,

I thought I was doing something wrong, but from what I've been reading online, this is a GTK bug. But apparently it was supposed to have been fixed in 3.22, so I'm stumped. Perhaps I found a way to wake it up again?

Do you have a copy of singleton.S_FontList so i can compile the code
you posted?

Re: Critical Error

On Fri, 31 May 2019 10:37:16 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

Do you have a copy of singleton.S_FontList so i can compile the code
you posted?

Oops. Here it is:

module S_FontList;

import std.stdio;

import pango.PgCairoFontMap;
import pango.PgFontMap;
import pango.PgFontFamily;

class S_FontList
	PgFontMap _pgFontMap;
	PgFontFamily[] _pgFontFamilies;
	static bool instantiated_;
	__gshared S_FontList instance_;

		_pgFontMap = PgCairoFontMap.getDefault();
		_pgFontMap.listFamilies(_pgFontFamilies); // list goes into the _pgFontFamilies array

	} // this()

	static S_FontList get()
					instance_ = new S_FontList();

				instantiated_ = true;
	} // get()

	PgFontFamily[] getFontFamilyList()
	} // getFontFamilyList()

	void listFonts()
		writeln("A list of all fonts available to Pango on this computer:");

		foreach(PgFontFamily font; _pgFontFamilies)
	} // listFonts()
} // class S_FontList

Re: Critical Error

On 30-05-2019 22:02, Ron Tarrant wrote:

Hi Mike,

I thought I was doing something wrong, but from what I've been reading online, this is a GTK bug. But apparently it was supposed to have been fixed in 3.22, so I'm stumped. Perhaps I found a way to wake it up again?


Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute: assertion 'GTK_IS_CELL_LAYOUT (cell_layout)' failed

What this code boils down to is... I'm dynamically populating a TreeView with a list of PgFontDescriptions. But this isn't in a ScrolledWindow yet and so it just goes on for 300+ lines off-screen.

For the first error, move the call to addAttribute after the call to
super so the parent class is properly initialized.

Re: Critical Error

On Fri, 31 May 2019 10:37:16 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:
I've made some headway...

By adding a setSizeRequest() call to the MyScrolledWindow class:

class MyScrolledWindow : ScrolledWindow
	FontTreeView fontTreeView;
		fontTreeView = new FontTreeView();
		setSizeRequest(500, 400);
	} // this()
} // class MyScrolledWindow

I managed to get a reasonably-sized scrolled window with all fonts presented in the TreeView.

But I'm still getting these errors that I'm at a loss to explain or track down:

(treeview_dynamic_fill_with_scrolled_window.exe:10124): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute: assertion 'GTK_IS_CELL_LAYOUT (cell_layout)' failed

(treeview_dynamic_fill_with_scrolled_window.exe:10124): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to GtkWindow 0000015ae0d2ae40 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?

I'm still banging away, though.

A question about the last error...

If I were to getPreferredWidth/Height, what would I then do with these values? I've found nothing in the docs about this.

Re: Critical Error

On 30-05-2019 22:02, Ron Tarrant wrote:

I did try putting it in a ScrolledWindow, to see if that would clear things up, but I it only showed two lines of the TreeView (with a scrollbar) and spit out a whole other set of errors:

For the errors the fix is the same, call addAttribute after super.

To get the TreeView/ScrolledWindow to use all the available space, set
expand and fill to true in the call to packStart.

packStart(myScrolledWindow, true, true, 0);

Re: Critical Error

On Fri, 31 May 2019 11:41:23 GMT, Ron Tarrant wrote:

(treeviewdynamicfillwithscrolledwindow.exe:10124): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to GtkWindow 0000015ae0d2ae40 without calling gtkwidgetgetpreferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?

New info...

I tried doing getPreferredWidth/Height for the Window, the Box, the ScrolledWindow, and the TreeView. Except for the Window, they all report '0' and '0' for minimum and natural. The Window reported '200' and '200,' but making these calls before the setSizeRequest() call made no difference. The error still showed up.

Re: Critical Error

On Fri, 31 May 2019 13:45:40 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

On 30-05-2019 22:02, Ron Tarrant wrote:

I did try putting it in a ScrolledWindow, to see if that would clear things up, but I it only showed two lines of the TreeView (with a scrollbar) and spit out a whole other set of errors:

For the errors the fix is the same, call addAttribute after super.

To get the TreeView/ScrolledWindow to use all the available space, set
expand and fill to true in the call to packStart.

packStart(myScrolledWindow, true, true, 0);

Ah! Thanks, Mike. I knew I was missing something.

I'm still getting the getpreferredwidth/height error and it seems to be caused by not knowing the size each rendered font will take up in the display.

And I'm getting a "couldn't load font" error, but that's just a logic problem, so no worries there.

Re: Critical Error

On 31-05-2019 13:58, Ron Tarrant wrote:

On Fri, 31 May 2019 11:41:23 GMT, Ron Tarrant wrote:

(treeviewdynamicfillwithscrolledwindow.exe:10124): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to GtkWindow 0000015ae0d2ae40 without calling gtkwidgetgetpreferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?

New info...

I tried doing getPreferredWidth/Height for the Window, the Box, the ScrolledWindow, and the TreeView. Except for the Window, they all report '0' and '0' for minimum and natural. The Window reported '200' and '200,' but making these calls before the setSizeRequest() call made no difference. The error still showed up.

There is a bug report about this GTK warning:

It was "fixed" by only displaying the message when GTK is build with
debugging enabled:

So most likely the windows libraries are build with debugging enabled.

But properly setting the expand and fill parameters in the packStart
call would be the proper fix for this use case.

Re: Critical Error

On Fri, 31 May 2019 14:16:43 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

It was "fixed" by only displaying the message when GTK is build with
debugging enabled:
So most likely the windows libraries are build with debugging enabled.

You're right. Thanks.

I updated to 3.24.8 which is apparently NOT compiled with debugging hooks and it went away.

But properly setting the expand and fill parameters in the packStart
call would be the proper fix for this use case.

Yup. Got that working, too.

Now I'm just working on how to stop the "couldn't load font" errors. From what I've found so far, this may be a problem with the application not waiting long enough between loading one font and the next? I don't know. I thought that stuff would be asynchronous. I don't really care if the fonts don't load as long as it's not spitting out those errors.

So, I'm currently looking at how to conditionally load the fonts based on whatever reason it's failing... which so far has eluded me.

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