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Application event handling

I think this is just me needing reassurance…

Gtk has (amongst others) the application level events activate and startup. For C++ gtkmm gives conventional names to the handlers as part of the inheritance hierarchy from Gio::Application. Rust (gtk-rs) on the other hand just presents the functions to bind handlers since it doesn't have inheritance per se (it handles the Gtk inheritance but doesn't offer anything to application developers).

D has classes and inheritance as C++, but GtkD doesn't present an inheritance hierarchy as gtkmm does, it just presents the binding functions as gtk-rs does.

At first sight this would seem to mean GtkD isn't going the class/inheritance route for handling Gtk but is going the functions route. I am guessing this is a consequence of doing the easiest simplest transform of the C API using the GIR files, whereas gtkmm puts a lot of effort to make as C++-like a binding as possible.

I am not saying GtkD should replicate the gtkmm architecture, but has it been constructively eschewed?

Re: Application event handling

And another thing…

The addOnStartup and addOnActivate functions on gtk.Application:Application appear to require a function taking a gio.Application:Application as a parameter whereas everything you want to do in the callback requires access via the original type. It maybe just me, but it seems awkward.

(gtk-rs seems to have this sorted better.)

Re: Application event handling

On 14-10-17 16:41, Russel Winder wrote:

And another thing…

The addOnStartup and addOnActivate functions on gtk.Application:Application appear to require a function taking a gio.Application:Application as a parameter whereas everything you want to do in the callback requires access via the original type. It maybe just me, but it seems awkward.

(gtk-rs seems to have this sorted better.)

Like how the last parameter in the delegate is always the Object the
signal is connected to?

It would be nice if we could make it optional.

Or would you want it to be an gtk.Application?

Re: Application event handling

On 14-10-17 15:27, Russel Winder wrote:

I think this is just me needing reassurance…

Gtk has (amongst others) the application level events activate and startup. For C++ gtkmm gives conventional names to the handlers as part of the inheritance hierarchy from Gio::Application. Rust (gtk-rs) on the other hand just presents the functions to bind handlers since it doesn't have inheritance per se (it handles the Gtk inheritance but doesn't offer anything to application developers).

D has classes and inheritance as C++, but GtkD doesn't present an inheritance hierarchy as gtkmm does, it just presents the binding functions as gtk-rs does.

At first sight this would seem to mean GtkD isn't going the class/inheritance route for handling Gtk but is going the functions route. I am guessing this is a consequence of doing the easiest simplest transform of the C API using the GIR files, whereas gtkmm puts a lot of effort to make as C++-like a binding as possible.

I am not saying GtkD should replicate the gtkmm architecture, but has it been constructively eschewed?

Could you elaborate a bit more about the inheritance, or is it just
about the signals?

Re: Application event handling

With gtkmm if I create a subclass of gtk::Application then I just provide methods oncommandline, on_activate, etc. and they are the event handlers, no need for explicit connection: the data model is supporting making things easy, albeit implicit by convention.

Rust has no notion of inheritance and so gtk-rs just exposes the functions to connect handlers to events. This fits well with the computational model since there is the _ parameter in closures to say "I don't care, just do the type inference thing so it all fits together".

D is like C++ and could use convention over configuration and yet actually does things as Rust does, providing the configuration tools. So currently GtkD does not provide a class/inheritance based binding to Gtk as C++ does even though it has classes and inheritance as C++ does. But in doing things like Rust, D ends up being very verbose because everything has to be declared correctly.

I am not sure this is actually a big issue, it just seems a little "missing a thing"?

Is this making any sense?

Re: Application event handling

On 18-10-17 19:52, Russel Winder wrote:

With gtkmm if I create a subclass of gtk::Application then I just provide methods oncommandline, on_activate, etc. and they are the event handlers, no need for explicit connection: the data model is supporting making things easy, albeit implicit by convention.

Rust has no notion of inheritance and so gtk-rs just exposes the functions to connect handlers to events. This fits well with the computational model since there is the _ parameter in closures to say "I don't care, just do the type inference thing so it all fits together".

D is like C++ and could use convention over configuration and yet actually does things as Rust does, providing the configuration tools. So currently GtkD does not provide a class/inheritance based binding to Gtk as C++ does even though it has classes and inheritance as C++ does. But in doing things like Rust, D ends up being very verbose because everything has to be declared correctly.

I am not sure this is actually a big issue, it just seems a little "missing a thing"?

Is this making any sense?

Yes, that makes sense, you can override a function like you normally
would and it will actually be used by gtk/gobject.

I've been experimenting with gtkd.Implement.ImplementClass, which has
similarities with ruby-GNOME2's "type_register".

Currently you could use it like this:

class MyApplication : Application
   import gtkd.Implement;
   import gobject.c.functions : g_object_newv;

   mixin ImplementClass!GtkApplication;

     super(cast(GtkApplication*)g_object_newv(getType(), 0, null), true);


   override void activate()
     new PopupMenuDemo(this);

I still need to sort out how to handle the constructor.
And currently you will need to manually specify the C callback if the
function has an array as any of it's parameters.