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TreeIter not updating (I think)

When I run this program, instead of showing me a list of 3 rows, the treeview is showing me only 1 row. I'm guessing the iter is not pointing to the new row in buildModel()? If not, what's causing this?

int main(string[] args) {
    import gtk.Application : Application;
    import gtkc.gtktypes : GApplicationFlags;
    import gio.Application : GioApp = Application;

    auto app = new Application("org.gtkdnotes.cellrenders", GApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);

    app.addOnActivate(delegate void(GioApp _) {
        import gtk.ApplicationWindow : ApplicationWindow;

        auto aw = new ApplicationWindow(app);
        scope (success)

        aw.setDefaultSize(320, 200);
        aw.setTitle("CellRendererText Example");


enum Columns {

import gtk.Box : Box;
import gtk.TreeView : TreeView;

Box buildUi() {
    import gtkc.gtktypes : GtkOrientation;

    auto vbox = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 5);

    vbox.packStart(buildView(buildModel), true, true, 0);

    return vbox;

import gtk.ListStore : ListStore;

ListStore buildModel() {
    import gtk.ListStore : ListStore;
    import gtkc.gobjecttypes : GType;

    auto ls = new ListStore([GType.STRING, GType.STRING]);

    import gtk.TreeIter : TreeIter;

    auto ti = ls.createIter();

    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Arch");
    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Debian");
    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Fedora");
    ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");

    return ls;

TreeView buildView(ListStore ls) {
    import gtk.CellRendererText : CellRendererText;

    auto tv = new TreeView();

    import gtk.TreeViewColumn : TreeViewColumn;

    tv.appendColumn(new TreeViewColumn("Text", new CellRendererText(), "text", Columns.TEXT));

    auto cellRendererEditableText = new CellRendererText();
    cellRendererEditableText.setProperty("editable", true);
    tv.appendColumn(new TreeViewColumn("Editable text",
            cellRendererEditableText, "text", Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT));


    return tv;

(Click here for Screenshot)

Re: TreeIter not updating (I think)

On 25-10-18 20:17, aedt wrote:

When I run this program, instead of showing me a list of 3 rows, the treeview is showing me only 1 row. I'm guessing the iter is not pointing to the new row in buildModel()? If not, what's causing this?

You will need to call append to add a new row, append will also update
the iter.

ListStore buildModel() {
     import gtk.ListStore : ListStore;
     import gtkc.gobjecttypes : GType;

     auto ls = new ListStore([GType.STRING, GType.STRING]);

     import gtk.TreeIter : TreeIter;

     auto ti = ls.createIter();

     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Arch");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Debian");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Fedora");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");

     return ls;

Re: TreeIter not updating (I think)

On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 22:22:43 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

On 25-10-18 20:17, aedt wrote:

When I run this program, instead of showing me a list of 3 rows, the treeview is showing me only 1 row. I'm guessing the iter is not pointing to the new row in buildModel()? If not, what's causing this?

You will need to call append to add a new row, append will also update
the iter.

ListStore buildModel() {
     import gtk.ListStore : ListStore;
     import gtkc.gobjecttypes : GType;

     auto ls = new ListStore([GType.STRING, GType.STRING]);

     import gtk.TreeIter : TreeIter;

     auto ti = ls.createIter();

     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Arch");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Debian");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.TEXT, "Fedora");
     ls.setValue(ti, Columns.EDITABLE_TEXT, "");

     return ls;

Interesting. Thanks. Up until now, I have been calling a separate function that creates a TreeIter and adds value to a row. I didn't realize that the TreeIter needs to be appended (or created from the ListStore) to be pointing at the new row.

Thanks again.