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TextBuffer.registerSerializeTagset() segfault.

I have code that works in my GTK2 version. When the crash occurs the TextBuffer is in an as-created state. I attempt to serialize it for use as the last resort in my undo stack:

   ubyte[] serialize()
      TextIter start = new TextIter();
      TextIter end = new TextIter();
      tb.getBounds(start, end);
      GdkAtom atom = tb.registerSerializeTagset(null);
      ubyte[] buffer = tb.serialize(tb, atom, start, end);
      return buffer;

Any thoughts?

Re: TextBuffer.registerSerializeTagset() segfault.

On 11/07/2013 07:02 AM, Steve Teale wrote:

I have code that works in my GTK2 version. When the crash occurs the TextBuffer is in an as-created state. I attempt to serialize it for use as the last resort in my undo stack:

    ubyte[] serialize()
       TextIter start = new TextIter();
       TextIter end = new TextIter();
       tb.getBounds(start, end);
       GdkAtom atom = tb.registerSerializeTagset(null);
       ubyte[] buffer = tb.serialize(tb, atom, start, end);
       return buffer;

Any thoughts?

Not yet, but i'll look into it.

Re: TextBuffer.registerSerializeTagset() segfault.

Not yet, but i'll look into it.

This is about as simple as I can make it:

module tb;

import gtk.Main;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Layout;
import gtk.TextView;
import gtk.TextBuffer;
import gtk.TextIter;

class Tb : MainWindow
   TextView te;
   TextBuffer tb;
   ubyte[] ub;

		super("TextBuffer test");
		Layout f = new Layout(null, null);
		te = new TextView();
		tb = te.getBuffer();
		te.setSizeRequest(290, 200);

      f.put(te, 5, 5);

   void serialize()
      TextIter start = new TextIter();
      TextIter end = new TextIter();
      tb.getBounds(start, end);
      GdkAtom atom = tb.registerSerializeTagset(null);
      ub = tb.serialize(tb, atom, start, end);

	void bufferChanged(TextBuffer b)
	   string s = b.getText();
	   // Set up undo checkpoint on space or line end
	   if (!(s[$-1..$] == " " || s[$-1..$] == "\n"))

void main(string[] args)
	new Tb();;
	// Type something into the TextView. When you type space or enter it will crash

Re: TextBuffer.registerSerializeTagset() segfault.

On Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:19:53 GMT, Steve Teale wrote:

Not yet, but i'll look into it.

This is about as simple as I can make it:

.. code ...

GdkAtom wasn't wrapped correctly, causing the segfaults. Opaque struct vs pointer to opaque struct.

Fixed in