On Wed, 16 Mar 2016 08:29:11 +0100, Saša Janiška wrote:

Ahh, that's not practical then (for now), so it remains to be heard from
Russel in regard to SCons vs dub.

Given that I maintain the D support in SCons, I could be considered a very biased observer!

Clearly though for builds requiring dependencies, Dub is the right way forward, even though it needs a lot of work to be up to the level of Cargo or Gradle (*). Where there are no dependencies, as here for me where I build my own GtkD, I will always use SCons: Dub puts compilation products for dependencies in all the wrong places from what I can see, and it appears not so discerning as SCons (and Make) determining what to compile and what not to compile, and indeed how to compile.

(*) Gradle has C and C++ build capability, it would be good if it had D capability, probably wouldn't need Dub then.