Hello, I have been trying out the examples in pygtk and trying them out in gtkd. I came across this example where they used a member variable (of gtk.Window?) called timeout_id. I can't find anything similar to that in the documentation. Here's what I've got so far, any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

int main(string[] args) {
    import gio.Application : GioApp = Application;
    import gtkc.giotypes : GApplicationFlags;
    import gtk.Application : Application;
    import gtk.ApplicationWindow : ApplicationWindow;

    auto app = new Application("org.gitlab.radagast.gtkdnote.textview",
    app.addOnActivate(delegate void(GioApp _) {
        auto aw = new ApplicationWindow(app);
        scope (success)

        aw.setTitlebar(() {
            import gtk.HeaderBar : HeaderBar;

            auto hb = new HeaderBar();
            hb.setTitle("Enter your password");
            hb.setSubtitle("Entry Demo");

            return hb;

        aw.add(() {
            import gtk.Box : Box;
            import gtkc.gtktypes : GtkOrientation;

            auto vbox = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 5);

            import gtk.Entry : Entry;

            auto entry = new Entry("Enter your password", 80);

            vbox.packStart(entry, true, true, 0);

            auto hbox = new Box(GtkOrientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);

            import gtk.CheckButton : CheckButton;
            import gtk.ToggleButton : ToggleButton;

            // The leading `_` is for mnemonics so optional
            auto checkEditable = new CheckButton("_Editable");

                IMPORTANT NOTE: The delegate below takes a ToggleButton
                as its parameter. `gtk.CheckButton` inherits from 
                `gtk.ToggleButton` so passing a CheckButton is allowed.

            checkEditable.addOnToggled(delegate void(ToggleButton _) {
                static bool activate = false;
                activate = !activate;
            hbox.packStart(checkEditable, true, true, 0);

            auto checkVisible = new CheckButton("_Visible");
            checkVisible.addOnToggled(delegate void(ToggleButton _) {
                static bool visible = false;
                visible = !visible;
            hbox.packStart(checkVisible, true, true, 0);

            auto checkPulse = new CheckButton("_Pulse");
            checkPulse.addOnToggled(delegate void(ToggleButton _) {
                if (checkPulse.getActive()) {
                    // Call the pulse delegate every 100ms
                else {

            hbox.packStart(checkPulse, true, true, 0);

            auto checkHide = new CheckButton("Hide");
            checkHide.addOnToggled(delegate void(ToggleButton _) {
                static bool visible = false;
                visible = !visible;
            hbox.packStart(checkHide, true, true, 0);

            hbox.packEnd(() {
                import gtk.Button : Button;

                return new Button("Close", delegate void(Button _) { app.quit(); });
            }(), true, true, 0);

            vbox.packStart(hbox, true, true, 0);
            return vbox;
    return app.run(args);