Also, I've tried some other things...

If I remove all the stuff I do the problem is that the window appears at different places. I use 4 monitors and I'm not sure if it's positioning it based on nonsense or what.

It should be something very simple like win.move(0,0) yet that positions the window off screen and I can't see squat nor get the window back on to a screen using win+arrows.

I just have no idea what is going on...

Seems like something is broke as something as move(0,0) should work yet breaks the app.

I'm thinking this is mainly an issue with the root window position and all the others work more or less(but they are relative).

What I've noticed is that the window is shifted towards the upper left then cycles back down.

It's very strange and I can almost bet that it has to do with my monitor configuration on windows.