OK, checking for the null ListSG, my getTags method appears to work. But then, having got a tag or more, I want to know what font and color are in effect at that point in the TextBuffer. The example is getting bigger, as now I have to select and apply a color to some selected text.
Relevant (I think) section is marked with //************************:
module tb;
import std.stdio;
import glib.ListSG;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Layout;
import gtk.TextTag;
import gtk.TextView;
import gtk.TextBuffer;
import gtk.TextIter;
import gtk.Button;
import gtk.Label;
import gdk.Color;
import gtk.ColorSelectionDialog;
import gtk.ColorSelection;
import gobject.Value;
class Tb : MainWindow
TextView te;
TextBuffer tb;
ubyte[] ub;
Label l;
void setColor()
Color color = new Color();
ColorSelectionDialog csd = new ColorSelectionDialog("Choose a Color");
ColorSelection cs = csd.getColorSelection();
int response = csd.run();
if (response != ResponseType.OK)
TextIter start, end;
start = new TextIter();
end = new TextIter();
TextBuffer tb = te.getBuffer();
if (tb.getSelectionBounds(start, end))
TextTag tt = tb.createTag("T42", "foreground", color.toString());
tb.applyTag(tt, start, end);
private static TextTag[] getTagArray(TextIter ti)
TextTag[] tta;
ListSG sll = ti.getTags();
if (!sll)
tta.length = 0;
return tta;
tta.length = sll.length;
for (int i = 0; i < sll.length; i++)
tta[i] = *(cast(TextTag*) sll.data);
if (i < sll.length-1)
return tta;
super("TextIter.getTags() test");
Layout f = new Layout(null, null);
f.setSizeRequest(300, 300);
te = new TextView();
tb = te.getBuffer();
te.setSizeRequest(290, 200);
f.put(te, 5, 5);
Button b = new Button("Color");
f.put(b, 5, 210);
l = new Label("??");
f.put(l, 5, 240);
void btnClick(Button b)
// **************************************************************************
// Ok, we set a color for the first word of the text, so at offset 0, there
// should be a tag in effect
TextIter cp = new TextIter();
tb.getIterAtOffset(cp, 0);
TextTag[] ta = getTagArray(cp);
// We see one tag here
writefln("Tags %d", ta.length);
Value v = new Value();
writeln("before getProperty()");
// In my app, I want to know if color or font, or both have changed
// I try font first
ta[0].getProperty ("font", v);
writeln("after getProperty()");
string f = v.getString();
writeln(f); // We have not changed the font - should be 'normal'
// **************************************************************************
void main(string[] args)
new Tb();
Run it and enter a couple of words in the TextView. Select the first word, then press the Color button, that will let you set a color for the word, and will then run the offending code.