On 11/20/2013 10:12 PM, André wrote:
I try to use glade and builder for creating the UIs.
I struggle with the events defined in glade.In my UI I have a button with the on click event "onbtnConfigclicked".
My intention is to have in class WindowMain a method
onbtnConfigclicked and I can connect the signal with
this method. I do not know how to achieve this.As a first try I created the static method onbtnConfigclicked.
The coding compiles but throws an access violation error.import gtk.Window; import gtk.Label; import gtk.Main; import gtk.Box; import gtk.ButtonBox; import gtk.Button; import gtk.Widget; import gtk.Builder; class WindowMain{ private Window window; this(){ Builder g = new Builder(); g.addFromFile("wMain.glade"); this.window = cast(Window)g.getObject("wMain"); g.addCallbackSymbol("on_btnConfig_clicked", &on_btnConfig_clicked); g.connectSignals(null); this.window.showAll(); } } extern(C) void on_btnConfig_clicked(){ } void main(string[] args) { Main.init(args); WindowMain w = new WindowMain(); Main.run(); }
Kind regards
Are you using Gtk 3.10 ?