
I'm using glibd in a GDBus server of mine and overall I really enjoy using it. However, I started profiling the thing with Valgrind and noticed some memory leaks, especially around using VariantBuilder. So I thought it might be a good idea to use the stack allocated VariantBuilders and explicitly call .clear on those to avoid leaking memory, but the following piece of code SIGSEGVs for me:

import glib.VariantBuilder;
import glib.VariantType;

void main() {
	VariantBuilder builder;
	builder.init(new VariantType("a(s)"));

I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong, since this (seemingly) equivalent piece of code written with the C API seems to work:

import glib.c.types;
import glib.c.functions;
import glib.VariantType;

void main() {
	GVariantBuilder builder;
	g_variant_builder_init(&builder, new VariantType("a(s)").getVariantTypeStruct(true));

FWIW in my actual code I did something like this:

Variant getAll()
    auto builder = new VariantBuilder(new VariantType("a{sv}"));

    builder.open(new VariantType("{sv}"));
    builder.addValue(new Variant("allowUntrustedRepos"));
    builder.addValue(new Variant(new Variant(this.allowUntrustedRepositories)));

    builder.open(new VariantType("{sv}"));
    builder.addValue(new Variant("root"));
    builder.addValue(new Variant(new Variant(this.root)));

    return builder.end();

And apparently that leaks memory - or was that just Valgrind not liking what the GC did?