On 12/11/2013 01:20 AM, Malkierian wrote:
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:25:19 +0100, Mike Wey wrote:
On 12/09/2013 10:47 PM, Malkierian wrote:
On Mon, 09 Dec 2013 22:45:02 +0100, Mike Wey wrote:
On 12/09/2013 08:45 PM, Malkierian wrote:
Oh, yeah, I'm using GtkD 2.3.1 as well.
Try putting the path to the GTK+ 3.8 installation at the start of the PATH.
I already did that as well, actually XD.
And the problem is still there ?
I wouldn't have posted on here in the first place if it wasn't. I tried that before I came on here.
The error would indicate that windows tries to load an old version of
one of the Gtk dll's eg, one of the dll installed for Xamarin, instead
of the newer one from the Gtk+ 3.x install.
Putting the path to the Gtk 3.x install at the start/fornt of the PATH
variable usually fixes this, because Windows than finds the newer
version first.
I don't know what to do when the problem persists maybe try reinstalling
Gtk+ 3.x, fix the PATH again and then retry.