Sorry to bug again, but I'm hitting a stumbling block again. I'm using a custom TreeModel based on CustomList.d from the demo, and while it's working fine put into a TreeView, I'm having some weird OS-specific problems when I put it into a ComboBox

On Windows, the popup seems to work unless I use setWrapWidth, in which case I get a blank single-pixel popup.
On Linux, it's the same if I use setWrapWidth, but if I don't use setWrapWidth, the popup is still blank, but full width.

I'm able to reproduce the behavior with a small change to DemoCustomList.d:

module DemoCostumList;

import CustomList;

import glib.RandG;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.ScrolledWindow;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.TreeView;
import gtk.TreeViewColumn;
import gtk.CellRendererText;
import gtk.ListStore;
import gtk.ComboBox;

class CustomListWindow : MainWindow
		super("GtkD - Custom TreeModel");
		setDefaultSize(200, 400);
		ScrolledWindow scrollwin = new ScrolledWindow();
		ComboBox view = createViewAndModel();



	ComboBox createViewAndModel()
		TreeViewColumn   col;
		CellRendererText renderer;
		CustomList       customlist;
		//TreeView         view;
		ComboBox view;

		customlist = new CustomList();
		//view = new TreeView(customlist);
		view = new ComboBox(customlist);
		//col = new TreeViewColumn();
		renderer  = new CellRendererText();
		view.packStart(renderer, true);
		//col.addAttribute(renderer, "text", CustomListColumn.Name);
//		view.appendColumn(col);

//		col = new TreeViewColumn();
		renderer  = new CellRendererText();
		view.packStart(renderer, true);
//		col.addAttribute(renderer, "text", CustomListColumn.YearBorn);
//		col.setTitle("Year Born");
	//	view.appendColumn(col);

		return view;

	void fillModel (CustomList customlist)
		string[]  firstnames = [ "Joe", "Jane", "William", "Hannibal", "Timothy", "Gargamel" ];
		string[]  surnames   = [ "Grokowich", "Twitch", "Borheimer", "Bork" ];

		foreach (sname; surnames)
			foreach (fname; firstnames)
				customlist.appendRecord(fname ~" "~ sname, 1900 + (RandG.randomInt() % 100));

void main (string[] arg)

	new CustomListWindow();;

This is on the GTK2 branch, if that affects anything.