On 2016-06-22 08:26, Mike Wey wrote:

This seems to be specific to Windows. Running your code on Linux i get

TV built: 38 ms
TV shown + GC collected: 138 ms, 598 μs, and 4 hnsecs

512 columns. I'll try it on Windows later this week.

wow! with this speed TreeView would be my savior. thanks for looking
into this. FWIW, i have also tested it with antivirus, HIPS, etc
temporarily turned off - no change. the task manager tells me that the
demo program uses 100% of one core/thread for 16 seconds.

also, my first tests with Grid showed a similar, slow behavior (in
addition to the crash for larger number of cells and the overblown
memory consumption).

thanks again, i am looking forward to seeing your windows results.
