On Thu, 1 Jun 2017 20:39:31 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

The linkers used differ between the 32 and 64 bit versions of dmd. Which
unfortunately use different flags to link with a library.
It's -L+gtkd.lib when building a 32bit application and -Lgtkd.lib
for 64bit. (I've updated the wiki to hopefully make that clearer)

Using -L+gtkd.lib I could succesfully compile and run a hello world program.

It turns out that the Can't find entry point of procedure FT_Get_BDF_Property in DLL C:\Program Files (x86)\Gtk-Runtime\bin\libfontcongif-1.dll happens when I run the .exe in a folder containing libfontcongif-1.dll. That file was still there from when I tried DLangUI I think.

Most of these errors would indicate you are using an old version of Gtk+
or at least GtkD finds some old version that is still installed someware.

The gtk_menu_attach: assertion 'left_attach < right_attach' failed for
example was fixed in Gtk+ 3.18, while the latest installer on gtkd.org
is for Gtk+ 3.22.

I have "Gtk+ Runtime version 3.8.1-2" published by "GtkD Developers" installed on "30-May-17". I don't believe I got it from gtkd.org so I might run the demo again after reinstalling it from there.

Anyway thanks for the help, I can now compile and run the hello world program both with dub and dmd -L+gtkd.lib so I'll try making a simple application this weekend. :)