On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:08:52 GMT, Mike Wey wrote:

For the simple cases like mandating that the entry only accepts integers you can set the input purpose.

thanks, mike!

guess i selected my example too simple ;) i will also need versions that check for floats and that the entered value falls within certain limits - so i do need the callback for d-side validation.

if there was a way to stop/kill any further propagation of the event or signal that made my Entry lose focus, then it should work (with grabFocus thereafter to reset the focus back to the Entry)... somehow running the error dialog has the positive side-effect of overriding/killing the [Ok]/[Cancel]-button-clicked-event. i would like to achieve the same without actually running the error dialog.

(it does not help that having both, events AND signals, confuses me endlessly.)

PS: code highlighting works better if the code is between triple back-ticks.

sorry. will try to remember next time.
