On Fri, 05 Jan 2018 16:12:22 GMT, Luís Marques wrote:

One thing that surprised me, and I wonder if it might be related, is an apparent inconsistency between Gtk and GtkD, or between various GtkD methods of TreeModel: All of the methods listed in the [Gtk documentation for TreeModel][1] that deal with setting iterators have parameters with type GtkTreeIter* -- that is, TreeIter. On the other hand, on the GtkD side, we have getIter, iterNext, and iterNChildren which take a TreeIter (AKA GtkTreeIter*) and iterChildren, iterNthChild, iterParent which take an out TreeIter (AKA GtkTreeIter*). I wonder why this inconsistency exists, and if it might be related.

I meant GtkTreeIter* vs GtkTreeIter**, obviously.