thanks a lot, mike!

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 21:22:21 GMT, Mike Wey wrote:

Maybe try something like this:

this looks very promising. originally i did not want to give the user the option to cancel out of the dialog, but i am slowly warming up to it.

the main rational in my case is that i start with a valid value, give the user a chance to change it to another valid value, and move on. ideally with no boilerplate code at this point. it is important to me that the solution is 'modular', i.e. encapsulated in a new widget class (agnostic to the hosting dialog) as in my test code pasted in at the end. as you can see it would be really awkward if i would have to supply a reference to the hosting Dialog, so that the widget can enable or disable the OK and CANCEL buttons.

i tried using getParent(), getToplevel() or getAncestor(GType ?) to get a reference to the host Dialog but i failed miserably. if i had this reference your suggestion is probably the way to go. so can the reference to the host dialog be retrieved from e.g. an Entry or Box at all? how? (where do i find the GType used in gtkD for Dialog, will this do the trick with getAncestor()?)

(it does not help that having both, events AND signals, confuses me endlessly.)

Do you have an example?

oh, just in general terms. GTK documentation is scattered around and tends to be either introductory only, or highly specific reference material. (and then on top of it it is often not straightforward how this translates to gtkD usage.) anyhow, sometimes the terms event and signal are used basically interchangeably, in other cases a doc/tutorial tries to make a point that they are completely different things. very confusing and convoluted. the best and almost sound explanation i have found so far is this one: (still makes me only wonder what a X server is on windows)

i think i mostly get now what signals are, and that i have ways to stop their further propagation if i need to. but how to deal with events is still very blurry to me. it seems in my case i have to kill the root event itself (mouse click on OK button, ESC key), so that no other/more/new signals come out of this event. i even tried connecting my Entry widget to the Delete signal, hoping i could prevent the action arising from a pressed OK button by returning TRUE, but it did not do anything. guess i only stopped signal propagation within the Entry widget, while i would need to get rid of the root Event. is there no Event.kill or destroy or discard or ...?


ok, here is my silly code so far:

module testinputdlg;

import gtk.Main, gtk.Window, gtk.Widget;
import gtk.Dialog, gtk.Box;
import gdk.Event;
import std.stdio, std.conv;

ubyte b = 16;
string s = "rubbish";
int i = 4;
double d = 3.14;
float f = 7.0;

int main(string[] args){
	import gtk.Entry, gtk.Label;
	import gobject.Signals;
	Main.init( args );

	auto dlg = new Dialog( "update settings",
		null, DialogFlags.MODAL,
	with( dlg.getContentArea() ){
		add( new CheckedInput!ubyte( "unsigned byte:", b ) );
		add( new CheckedInput!string( "string:", s, ((string ss)=>' '==ss[0]?false:true) ) );
		add( new CheckedInput!int( "even int:", i, ((int ii)=>ii%2?false:true) ) );
		add( new CheckedInput!double( "positive double:", d, 0.0, double.max_10_exp ) );
		add( new CheckedInput!float( "float:", f, -10.0f, +10.0f, ((float ff)=>(ff>-5.0 && ff<5.0)?false:true) ) );
		add( new Label( "[-10.0;-5.0] or [+5.0;+10.0]" ) );

	writeln( "b = "~to!string(b) );
	writeln( s );
	writeln( "i = "~to!string(i) );
	writeln( "d = "~to!string(d) );
	writeln( "f = "~to!string(f) );

	return 0;

class CheckedInput(T) : Box
if( is(T==string) || __traits( isArithmetic, T ) && !is(T==dchar) && !is(T==wchar) && !is(T==char) && !is(T==bool)
		 && !is(T==ifloat) && !is(T==idouble) && !is(T==ireal) && !is(T==cfloat) && !is(T==cdouble) && !is(T==creal)){
	import gtk.MessageDialog;
	static import gtk.Entry, gtk.Label;
	import std.exception;

	T* valptr;
	static if( __traits( isIntegral, T ) ){
		T min = T.min;
		T max = T.max;
	}else static if( __traits( isFloating, T ) ){
		T min = -T.max_10_exp;
		T max = T.max_10_exp;
	}else static if( is( T==string ) ){
		// for potential future use
	}else static assert( 0, "Unsupported type");
	gtk.Label.Label Label;
	gtk.Entry.Entry Entry;
	bool delegate(T) condition;

	static if( __traits( isArithmetic, T ) ){
		private bool _withinLimits(T i){
			return i>=this.min && i <=this.max;
	private bool _isValid(T i){
		static if( !is( T==string ) ){
			if( !_withinLimits(i) ) return false;
		if( condition ){
			if( !condition(i) ) return false;
		return true;

	private bool _checkInput(Event e, Widget w){
		bool valid = false;
			//  auto tmp = to!(T)( (cast(gtk.Entry.Entry)w).getText() );
			auto tmp = to!(T)( Entry.getText() );
			if( _isValid(tmp) ){
				*valptr = tmp;
				valid = true;
		if( !valid ){
			// should not need this but does not work without,
			// [OK] and [Cancel] break checked input!
			auto msgbx = new MessageDialog(	null,
				MessageType.ERROR, ButtonsType.CLOSE, "Invalid value!"
			// end of workaround, replace with better way once known
			return true;
		return false;

	this(string query, ref T val, bool delegate(T) condition = null){
		super( Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 1 );
		this.valptr = &val;
		if( condition ) this.condition = condition;
		enforce( _isValid(val), "Checked value out of bounds" );
		Label = new gtk.Label.Label(query);
		Entry = new gtk.Entry.Entry( to!string(val) );
		Entry.addOnFocusOut(&_checkInput, ConnectFlags.AFTER);	// gtk error if not after

	static if( __traits( isArithmetic, T ) ){
		this(string query, ref T val, T min, T max, bool delegate(T) condition = null){
			super( Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 1 );
			this.valptr = &val;
			this.min = min;
			this.max = max;
			if( condition ) this.condition = condition;
			enforce( _isValid(val), "Checked value out of bounds" );
			Label = new gtk.Label.Label(query);
			Entry = new gtk.Entry.Entry( to!string(val) );
			Entry.addOnFocusOut(&_checkInput, ConnectFlags.AFTER);	// gtk error if not after