On 8/25/18 10:16 PM, Russel Winder wrote:
I want to create a Pixbuf from SVG data read at compile time. It is easy to load a file at run time, but that means installing the file. Most GTK builder constructors for menus and UIs have a way of using immediate string data, but the GDK Pixbuf appears not to have such a thing – unless I just missed it?
Has any found a way of loading SVG images into a Pixbuf using immediate data from compile time (i.e. a string import of an SVG file)?
You have two options to load the SVG form a string:
Using rsvg.Hande:
Handle img = new Handle(cast(ubyte[])yourSVG);
Pixbuf pixbuf = img.getPixbuf();
or use gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader:
PixbufLoader loader = new PixbufLoader();
Pixbuf pixbuf = loader.getPixbuf();