On Sun, 2 Sep 2018 19:07:48 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

The GIR file for fontconfig is just a stub with a few things needed for
the other GIR files.

I have to admit I didn't actually look at the file, just for it's presence. It sounds like the GIR file hasn't been properly constructed on the prejudice that only people doing Pango will use Fontconfig. :-(

So using girtod isn't a option, but:
https://github.com/WebFreak001/fontconfig-d might be useful.

Interesting. It seems a snapshot of fcfreetype.h and fonconfig.h were taken and then manually transformed. Not really the best route since it means manual updating, but it is a backstop.

I think I'll try using DStep to see how good a job it makes. If that fails then I'll fork the fontconfig-d repository and update it.

An interesting lesson from zmqd as mentioned on the mailing list is the conversion from C API return codes to something more idiomatically D. However whilst 0MQ might get a lot of use, I think use of Fontconfig in D is going to be very, very niche. :-)