On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 19:46:43 +0200, Mike Wey wrote:

On 10/18/18 9:37 AM, aedt wrote:

Okay, I have this ListStore called StorageLS that is supposed to have columns for name, capacity, usage and a GtkProgressBar that visualizes the space usage. Now I want to create a ListStore but the gtkc.gobjectypes: GType enum does not seem to have anything for it. I'm stuck.

... Code ...

How should I proceed?

Most classes have a getType function to get their GType, so for the
GType of a gtk.ProgressBar you would use: ProgressBar.getType().

You can also look at gtk.CellRendererProgress if you want to display a
progress bar in a tree or list.

Thanks that worked but now I'm stuck with another problem. How can I construct a TreeViewColumn that renders a CellRendererProgress? I can't find a proper constructor for it. Here's what I got

public enum Columns {

class StorageLS : ListStore {

    this() {
        // uint id, in string deviceName, double capacityGB, double usedGB
        // construct a ListStore with corresponding GTypes
        // note that the last item in the array is for a derived item, usageBar
        super([GType.UINT, GType.STRING, GType.DOUBLE, GType.DOUBLE, (new ProgressBar()).getType()]);

    void addStorage(uint id, in string deviceName, double capacityGB, double usedGB) {
        TreeIter iter = this.createIter(); // base ListStore.createIter()
        this.setValue(iter, Columns.id, id); // base ListStore.setValue()
        this.setValue(iter, Columns.deviceName, deviceName);
        this.setValue(iter, Columns.capacityGB, capacityGB);
        this.setValue(iter, Columns.usedGB, usedGB);
        this.setValue(iter, Columns.usageBar, () {
            auto pb = new ProgressBar();
            pb.setFraction(usedGB / capacityGB);
            return pb;

class StorageTV : TreeView {
    import gtk.TreeViewColumn : TreeViewColumn;

    TreeViewColumn idCol, deviceNameCol, capacityGBCol, usedGBCol, usageBarCol;
    this(ref StorageLS storageListModel) {

    this() {

    public void populate(ref StorageLS storageListModel) {
        import gtk.CellRendererText : CellRendererText;
        import gtk.CellRendererProgress : CellRendererProgress;

        idCol = new TreeViewColumn("ID", new CellRendererText(), "text", Columns.id);
        deviceNameCol = new TreeViewColumn("Device", new CellRendererText(),
                "text", Columns.deviceName);
        capacityGBCol = new TreeViewColumn("Capacity (GB)",
                new CellRendererText(), "text", Columns.capacityGB);
        usedGBCol = new TreeViewColumn("Used space (GB)",
                new CellRendererText(), "text", Columns.usedGB);
        usageBarCol = new TreeViewColumn("Usage", crp,
                "what goes here? And how am I supposed to know?", Columns.usageBar);