On 29-03-2019 18:11, number wrote:
I'm trying to get a horizontal scale with
- origin on the left
- cursor keys left/right = decrease/increase
- cursor keys up/down = increase/decrease (and the same for pageup/pagedown/end/home)
setInverted(true) doesn't help much because then I get the origin to the right. Would I have to intercept/override some key events to do this?
You can use the OnKeyPress event to change the way the buttons are handled.
import std.algorithm : max, min;
import gdk.Keysyms;
import gtk.Adjustment;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Scale;
void main(string[] args)
MainWindow window = new MainWindow("title");
window.setSizeRequest(400, 200);
Box box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
// ✓ origin left
// ✓ left/right cursor keys
// ✕ up/down cursor keys
Scale scale1 = new Scale(GtkOrientation.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 10);
scale1.addOnKeyPress((GdkEventKey* event, _){
Adjustment a = scale1.getAdjustment();
if (event.keyval == Keysyms.GDK_Up)
a.setValue(min(a.getUpper(), a.getValue() + a.getStepIncrement()));
return true;
else if (event.keyval == Keysyms.GDK_Down)
a.setValue(max(a.getLower(), a.getValue() - a.getStepIncrement()));
return true;
return false;