On 01-11-18 16:19, aedt wrote:

Hello. I have quite a few questions I hope you can find time to answer me.
For the last few weeks, I have been learning GtkD and taking notes. I made it public so you can find them here

I'm stuck with GtkD's MVC.

1) I have this TreeView. But I can't seem to find a way to find a find a TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc as described here

Here's the code:


2) How can I add a value to the model with a TreePath (AND a TreePath) instead of a TreeIter inside method addSong()?

3) How can I iterate and check for values in a model? For example, I want to find a TreeIter that points to a row that has "Eminem" in the column 0, and "Lucky You" in column 2 in the model?

I will be very happy if you find time to give me code examples, I know it's a bit too much to ask but the documentation isn't helping. Thank you.

1) GtkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc is available in gtk.c.types, only it's
the plain C one, so it's not easy to use. I'll post an more detailed
answer when i have a bit more time.

2) You can convert a TreePath to an iter using the getIter function.

3) The foreach_ function allows you to iterate over all the values in
the model.