It's Tuesday and time for another blog post on the gtkDcoding blog.
Today's topic is changing the shape of the mouse pointer. Yeah, baby!
It's Tuesday and time for another blog post on the gtkDcoding blog.
Today's topic is changing the shape of the mouse pointer. Yeah, baby!
Friday, it is. A blog post I'm making... today.
This one is about those pesky text Entry thingies, both editable and non-editable.
Tuesday again. This blog post is about invisible Entry widgets and the FontButton. Really stimulating stuff and you'll find it at: Disappearing Text Entry
It's Friday again, time for another gtkDcoding blog post. In today's episode, we slap an image onto a Timmy the Button's face, then do a switch up to keep Timmy off balance. You can tune in here:
On 22-03-2019 13:16, Ron Tarrant wrote:
Path Names
It may cross your mind, if you’re doing this in Windows, that you have to swap out the UNIX forward slash ( / ) for the Windows backslash ( \ ) when you’re writing out the path/filename.
You don’t have to.
GTK is OS-aware enough to know which way to slash. And as a side note, how do you remember which is which? I saw it explained like this:
if a person leans forward, they look like a forward slash (UNIX), if a person leans backward, they look like a backslash (Windows).
When it comes to this incompatibility that has plagued cross-platform development since the dawn of the personal computer era, I won’t point any fingers. The person who came up with this knows who he is. ‘Nuff said.
AFAIK the windows API will accept both the forward and backward slash,
so not something GTK/GLib does for you.
On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 19:52:52 +0100, Mike Wey wrote:
AFAIK the windows API will accept both the forward and backward slash,
so not something GTK/GLib does for you.
Not to be cynical about Windows, but I'm actually surprised. Is this a recent thing? I have vague memories of getting grief while using the wrongward-facing slashes in code back in the oughts. Don't remember which language or whether it was web or desktop.
Seems I'm going to have to rethink I lot of what I've always thought of as givens.
Thanks for straightening me out, Mike.
On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 19:52:52 +0100, Mike Wey wrote:
AFAIK the windows API will accept both the forward and backward slash,
so not something GTK/GLib does for you.
GTK is OS-aware enough to know which way to slash.
is now:
Compilers are OS-aware enough to know which way to slash.
Thanks again, Mike.
Sunday Blog eXtra: Installing and Using a Linux Build Environment
On 24-03-2019 20:21, Ron Tarrant wrote:
sudo apt install dmd-bin
I think you mean apt-get
here, and you may also want to install gtkD
from the d-apt.
If you install gtkD from the d-apt the gtkd files will probably be
installed in /usr/lib/
and /usr/include/dlang/
you can inspect the
output of pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkd-3
to get the exact locations.
is the location where dub stores the libraries it has build as
I've pulled the post until I can get some of these things sorted out.
Would you mind if I picked your brain on this topic?
And if you're okay with that, is there a more private communication channel we could use?