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Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Friday's post covers the SpinButton and its all-important Adjustment object companion. You can find it here

Facelift Update

Things are moving along nicely and I expect the fully-realized site to be unveiled within the next week.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Stage 1 of the facelift is now complete. Blog entries are color-associated in an effort to make things more visual. Each topic also has its own avatar. Points to anyone who can figure out why each avatar is associated with its topic.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

There are a couple of things to watch out for with the ScaleButton and its offspring, the VolumeButton. Read all about it here.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Today's post on is the first in a 9-part series covering GTK's model/view/controller mechanism and how it's used in various widgets including the TreeView. Today is mostly theory, a reference (if you will) for the rest of the series.

You can read it here.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Continuing the series on Model, View, Controller...

This time around, we look at the ComboBoxText, the simplest of the MVC offerings.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Today is a bit of a milestone for the blog as the 50th regular post goes up. Also, the facelift is coming along nicely, the next phase of which should be ready to push by July 9th.

And today's topic continues with the MVC series by demonstrating how to add and remove items from a ComboBoxText widget. You can read it here.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Last week, gtkDcoding saw its 50th regularly-scheduled post. Today marks the launch of stage two of the facelift we've been working toward for the last month. The new features are:

  • syntax highlighting for all code snippets,
  • screenshots for every example, and
  • updated color-coding to more easily associate posts with the topics they cover.

Also of note is that each screenshot set includes:

  • a shot (or two or three) of the example code in action,
  • a shot of the terminal window showing any output, and
  • a link (which opens a new browser tab) to the full code example,
  • all these are now found within an in-page box directly below a page title naming the example, and
  • clicking on either of the screenshots displays an overlay with a full-size view of the screenshot.

There will likely be minor tweaks happening over the next few weeks, but this is the big roll-out. I hope you all like it.

And instead of linking directly to the article, here's a link to the main page so you can see the entire facelift.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

And as well as the launch of the face lift, today's post starts a mini series-within-a-series on dressing up the ComboBox using a ListStore. Essentially, it's ListStore basics leading up to how this type of model is used with a TreeView.

You can find it here.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Today's post deals with integers in a ComboBox. It's not exactly tricky, but a little clarification never hurts, right?

Here's where you'll find it.

Re: The GtkDcoding Blog Post Announcement Post... ing

Carrying on with installment #6 of the MVC series, we see how to use images in a ComboBox. This is the last bit of peripheral stuff we'll need to know before tackling the TreeView and (later) the TreeStore.

Here it is.

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